Writing Tricks

Creating a Strong Introduction for an Essay about Love and Respect

Just like the conclusion, the introduction can be the most difficult part of an essay to write. When you sit before the computer screen or are sitting over a blank sheet of paper you have only an idea of what it is you want to write, but trying to get right into the topic in a strong introductory paragraph is challenge because you haven’t fully explored your thoughts. Writing on a personal topic, such as love and respect, makes the matter even more difficult because there are so many things you can say, but without a clear direction or focus an introduction might sprawl all over the place. Here are some essential steps for creating a strong intro for an essay about love and respect:

  • Figure out how broad or general your opening needs to be.
  • A highly effective technique for starting an essay is to start broad and to gradually narrow the focus towards what is the thesis statement. This should work well with this kind of assignment. You should consider, however, just how broad you want to start. Remember that you want to get to the point as soon as possible, so consider making your general start poised for a quick transition to the narrowed view point.

  • Consider writing your introduction after you’ve written the rest.
  • Several writers say it is easier to write the introduction after the rest of the paper has been written. This makes a lot of sense. As mentioned above you don’t really have a complete grasp of what your paper is about until you’ve written at least a first draft. You’re likely going to have an easier time creating a strong introduction after you have written at least a revised version of your paper.

  • Focus on the first sentence and make it an attention grabber.
  • Get right into the topic of your paper. Use the first sentence to grab the reader’s attention right from the start. There are a number of techniques for crafting a great hook. Consider starting with a thought provoking question, a well-known quotation, a controversial opinion, or anything else that compels the reader to keep reading.

  • Be confident and straightforward with your writing.
  • When writing on love and respect you don’t want to come off sounding unsure of yourself or uninteresting. Read your introduction aloud so you can hear what your writing sounds like. Assert your opinions and ideas with confidence. Use the active first person voice and avoid passive writing at every stage. And don't forget that you can pay for essays online and don't worry about writing any more.